Team spotlight
Collin Limes
Describe what you do without using the word “dosimetry”
Using 3D imaging software and CT scans, I work closely with the radiation oncology team to figure out the best way to deliver the prescribed dose to the target while minimizing radiation to the surrounding normal tissue.
Why did you join Lumonus?
The people and its focus on innovation. From the top-down, the team have all been very supportive and consistent. In a field that is always evolving, it’s exciting to be a part of a company that is on the side of progress contrary to trying to keep up with the ever-changing nature of healthcare.
What is one ingredient that you would say makes a good team?
Alignment. Everyone having a single focus and goal in mind.
Is there a new idea, breakthrough, or tech that you’re excited about that’s caught your eye?
I’m excited to see the future of AI within the healthcare community. For me personally, with the introduction of AI, those tedious parts of my job have suddenly become less tedious.
What advice would you give to someone interested in the intersection of technology and healthcare?
Embrace it. The more we explore and learn about the potentials that technology bring to healthcare, the more likely we are to see its benefits rather than be weary of it.
Finish this sentence “One fun or interesting fact about me is that…”
I spent most of my younger years growing up in Germany and South Korea.
Any final things you’d like to share?
How ‘bout those CHIEFS?!

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